Ad data agency overview connector approved by the Looker Studio team. Get the connector here
August 2020
Ad data agency overview connector sent in for review by the Looker Studio team. See the screenshots here
The ability to choose a from data in your Looker Studio report, which wil make the Looker Studio dashboards with lots of data up to 50% faster
The ability to choose the currency of a Looker Studio template (which will change the currency of all currency related metrics, like media spend, revenue, cost per conversion to the currency of choice).
The Default organisation name can now be changed.
Media spend and revenue metrics now also available in micros (for building new calculated metrics)
Look & feel of the application has been improved (the choose accounts page, the connect to platform page, manual data refresh page) which will give the user a better overview.
July 2020
Facebook Ads connector + template for Looker Studio made available: see example here
Major speed improvements to the campaign group builder (90% faster load time for campaigns in the filter): try out the improved campaign group builder here
June 2020
Facebook Ads template for Looker Studio sent to Google for review: see example here
API connection with Looker Studio improved (resulting in faster Looker Studio reports)
Looker Studio template for Multiple ad platforms published (see template here or start using it directly here)
Klipfolio templates made available: Summary tab (multiple ad platforms combined), Facebook Ads tab, Video tab (multiple ad platforms video results), Facebook Video tab.
April 2020
Getting started page for BigQuery, Rest API and Klipfolio launched
Query builder + Campaign grouping provide context when building blocks are closed
Klipfolio data source creation with a few clicks
Added dimensions in datamodel for Adform, Display & Video 360 and Search Ads 360
Google Analytics data transformation optimised (90% ! improvement)
Looker Studio template for Multiple Google Analytics under review (see template here)
Looker Studio template for blended ad data & Google Analytics under review (see template here)
March 2020
Looker Studio template for Multiple ad platforms under review (see template here)
BigQuery builder (v2) made available. Minor improvements.