This article explains how to get your advertising and Google Analytics data into Google BigQuery, using Cervinodata.
Before you start
- Make sure you have completed the basic steps for Cervinodata: Set up Cervinodata.
- Make sure you have a Google BigQuery project available (with billing enabled in BigQuery). If you do not have a BigQuery project yet, see Part 1 for a step by step instruction.
Step 1: connect to Google BigQuery
- On the Connect to BigQuery page in Cervinodata, click the Add or update connection button
- Choose BigQuery as the platform
- Follow the steps offered by Google (make sure you connect with the Google user account with access to the required Google BigQuery project).
- When you return to the Connect to BigQuery page, you will see your connection and the number of available BigQuery projects.
- Click on the "... projects available" link.
Step 2: Sync to project
On the Sync to project page in Cervinodata, you can choose one BigQuery project.
- Choose the project you want to use by clicking the "Choose project" button
- Tip: We advise you to choose a project specifically for Cervinodata, this will keep your BigQuery structure nice and clean.
Step 3: Wait while Cervinodata does the hard work
After pressing the "Choose this project" button, your BigQuery project is connected to Cervinodata. Cervinodata will now start the initiation procedure and will automatically do the following:
- Create a data set & table structure (more details about that here)
- Sync all the historic data (for accounts you have switched to ON on the choose accounts page) to the table structure in BigQuery.
- Cervinodata automatically sends you an email to notify you that this process is completed.
- The initiation procedure can take some time (up to a couple of hours), depending on how much data there is.
- After the initial sync, it usually takes less time.
Make sure the sync to BigQuery is completed
Before you move on, make sure you have received an email and notification from Cervinodata that indicates that the synchronisation of your data to BigQuery is completed.
Step 4: Build a query
Now it's time to enjoy your data. If you know how to do this, you can create your own SQL queries for use in BigQuery (See the relational data model). Tip: It is better to get started quickly by using our Query builder for BigQuery. Even for advanced users, the Query builder will give you a great starting point, because it incorporates the relational table structure.
--> Part 3: Build a query with the Query builder