To prevent this warning message (see screenshot below) from happening, you can do one of the following things
- Keep the link between ORGANISATION XYZ and ACCOUNT XYZ (press cancel)
- Accept that the campaign group (YOUR CAMPAIGN GROUP) is affected (press save). The selected campaigns from ACCOUNT XYZ that are selected for the campaign group will be removed from the campaign group.
- Fix the campaign group before you move on (press cancel). See below what to do to fix the campaign group.
Steps to take
To keep the selected campaigns from ACCOUNT XYZ in the campaign group YOUR CAMPAIGN GROUP, take the following steps:
- Go to the "Build a campaign group page" (here).
- Click the Edit icon.
- Add the organisation you wish to connect the account to (in this example Organisation ABC). You should now have both the original Organisation (ORGANISATION XYZ) and the new organisation (Organisation ABC) in the campaign group.
- Press Done, go through the rest of the steps and save the campaign group.
- Now go back to the Choose accounts page. You can now unlink the Account ACCOUNT XYZ from ORGANISATION XYZ and link it to Organisation ABC. You should not get the warning message AND your selected campaigns are still in the campaign group.
If you still run into trouble, drop us a mail: